Blessings: Goodness and Mercy

[one_half]Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. You were created to be the recipient of the Goodness and Mercy of God. Not only are you to receive His Goodness and Mercy, but your nature is to be transformed into His Goodness and Mercy. Your design in the image of God is meant to be like Him in this world. This is essential for you to bring the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.

Beloved, hear the Word of the Lord for you.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Psalm 23:6 (NKJV)

Beloved, the Hebrew word for “goodness” in this verse includes the meanings “welfare, prosperity and happiness.” In Hebrew, this word for “mercy” means “goodness, kindness and faithfulness.” The Hebrew meaning for “follow” includes the definition “to pursue ardently.”

Beloved, I bless you with the Goodness of the Lord of welfare, prosperity and happiness to pursue you ardently. I bless you to be one who is whole, healed and trustworthy of living in the prosperity the Lord. I bless you with having all your soul wounds healed that you may experience the fullness of the happiness that God has for you.[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Beloved, I bless you with His Mercy that contains His Goodness, Kindness and Faithfulness. Goodness makes itself known again in Mercy. The Father desires for you to know His Goodness in your life. I bless you with the Kindness of the Lord that draws you to redemption and repentance.

Beloved, I bless you with knowing the faithfulness of your Heavenly Father. He is faithful to fulfill all his promises. He is faithful and dedicated to your welfare and your well-being.

Beloved, I encourage you to turn your face to the Father and let Him show you His Goodness and Mercy that ardently pursue you. I invite you to ask Him if there are any areas in your soul that need healing in order to be a good steward of the prosperity He has for you.

Beloved, I bless you in the name of Jesus to know and to live in the reality of what it is to be pursued ardently by the Goodness and Mercy of your loving Father.

Copyright 2015 Rivkah Isaacs[/one_half_last]



