Author: Rivkah
Blessings: Hope in the Lord Your Refuge
[one_half]Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. Your Heavenly Father created you in His own image. You are precious and valuable to Him. There may be times in your life where you may endure oppression from the enemy. This oppression may seem like it is crushing you. You may currently be in a season of…
Blessings: Goodness and Mercy
[one_half]Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. You were created to be the recipient of the Goodness and Mercy of God. Not only are you to receive His Goodness and Mercy, but your nature is to be transformed into His Goodness and Mercy. Your design in the image of God is meant to be like…
Blessings: Love Covers All Sins
[one_half]Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. Your capacity to love others is immense and powerful. The reason for your ability to love others is that you were created to receive Perfect Love from the One who is Love—God. God’s Love is powerful over sin. Beloved, hear the Word of the Lord for you. And…
Blessings: Do Everything with Love
[one_half] Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. You are such a delight to the Father. You are created in the image of the Father to reflect His nature of Love. He intends that everything you do to be accomplished in the nature of Love. Anything that is not done in Love, goes directly against…
Blessings: Love – Victory Over Fear, Control and Witchcraft
[one_half] Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. One of the many things you sense is control. Control is based in fear. Control works because it instills fear in its subjects. Thus, the person who fears the one who controls gives permission for control to operate. What makes control so abominable is that control is…
Blessings: Expression of Joy
[one_half]Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. Your Heavenly Father created to live in the presence of pure Joy. In His presence is fullness of Joy. Beloved, hear the Word of the Lord for you. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures…
Supernatural Abundance
Supernatural abundance is essential in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. I devote an entire seminar on Fruit of the Holy Spirit as Spiritual Warfare over the Spirit of Poverty. In addition to my own research on this, I learn much from what the Lord teaches me through the writings and ministries…
Goodness and Justice Resulting from Tragedy
[one_half]In recent months, several friends of mine have tragically lost loved ones. Two families experienced loss by drivers under the influence of drugs and alcohol. One family lost a mom of three children to cancer. In my work on the Fruit of the Holy Spirit as Spiritual Warfare, my premise is based on Romans 12:21,…
Blessings: Goodness and Justice in the Aftermath of Tragedy
[one_half]Beloved, I call your spirit to attention. Being made in the image of God, you are created to love truth. You desire truth and you seek it. I am excited to speak to you today about the truth of God’s Goodness and Justice. Beloved, hear the Word of the Lord for you. He has shown…
Spirit-to-Spirit Blessings: Blessing Your Spirit with the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
[one_half]Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 We are made of spirit, soul and body. Our spirit is specifically listed first in this passage of First Thessalonians, as it…