Covenant & Government #7

Repentance & Replacement


As a member of the Royal Priesthood, please repent for breaking covenant with the Lord relating to His Kingdom on behalf of yourself, your generations and your nation for the following and replace with statements in italics:


  • not being poor in spirit individually and thereby not having the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 5:3; Luke 6:20)
  • not being poor in spirit in our nation’s government, rule and dominion and thereby not having the Kingdom of Heaven released in our nation (Matt 5:3; Luke 6:20)
    • being poor in spirit, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 5:3; Luke 6:20)
    • being poor in spirit in our nation’s government, rule and dominion and thereby having the Kingdom of God be ours as a nation (Matt 5:3; Luke 6:20)
  • being attacked as members of the Royal Priesthood due to not living righteously and/or abdicating or not using our authority in the Lord and calling it “persecution” (Matt 5:10)
  • being attacked as members of the Royal Priesthood by our nation’s government, rule and dominion due to our lack of living righteously and/or abdicating or not using our authority in the Lord and calling it “persecution” (Matt 5:10)
    • Not all of the attacks against the Royal Priesthood are due to not living righteously or abdicating our authority in the Lord. However, where we have opened these doors in these areas, we need to take responsibility and repent for them.
      being attacked as a nation because of not living righteously (Matt 5:10)
  • as members of the Royal Priesthood being judgmental against sins—which include, but are not limited to abortion and homosexuality both inside and outside of the Church—and reaping back the judgment we have sown and calling it “persecution” (Matt 5:10)
    • Our focus on replacement is not that of persecution, but to concentrate on righteous living. If we are to come under attack and persecution, let it be due to the sake of righteous living and exercising our spiritual authority in advancing the Kingdom of Heaven, and not because we have let our guard down and given legal authority to the enemy to attack  (Matt 5:10).
    • seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as individuals and in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:33)
    • not judging others as individuals and in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 7:1; Luke 6:37)
  • breaking even one of the least of the commandments and teaching others as such leads to being called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 5:19)
  • breaking even one of the least of the commandments and teaching others as such in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 5:19)
    • keeping the commandments and teaching others to do so leads to being called great in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 5:19)
    • keeping the commandments and teaching others to do so in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 5:19)
  • looking to an earthy kingdom or nation and not the Kingdom of Heaven to accomplish things on the earth (Matt 6:10; Luke 11:2)
    • praying that the Kingdom of Heaven comes (Matt 6:10; Luke 11:2)
    • praying that the will of the Lord be done on earth as it is in Heaven in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:10; Luke 11:2)
  • seeking power and glory from the kingdom of darkness (Matt 6:13)
  • seeking national power and glory (Matt 6:13)
  • seeking individual power and glory from a nation (Matt 6:13)
    • seeking the Kingdom of God, for His is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever (Matt 6:13)
    • asking the Lord to release His Kingdom, power and glory in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:13)
    • asking the Lord to release His Kingdom, power and glory in our lives (Matt 6:13)
  • seeking from earthly government, rule and dominion instead of seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matt 6:33)
  • not seeking first the Kingdom of God in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:33)
  • not seeking righteousness in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:33)
    • seeking first the Kingdom of God in our lives for His government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:33)
    • seeking first the Kingdom of God in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:33)
    • seeking first the righteousness of God in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:33)
  • attempting to enter the Kingdom of Heaven by saying, “Lord, Lord,” and not doing the will of the Father in Heaven (Matt 7:21)
  • claiming to know the Lord and saying something is of the Kingdom of Heaven in our nation’s government, rule and dominion, but not doing the will of the Father in Heaven (Matt 7:21)
  • seeking to exert our will in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 7:21)
    • entering the Kingdom of Heaven by doing the will of the Father in Heaven (Matt 7:21)
    • doing the will of the Father in Heaven in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 7:21)
  • causing the Kingdom of Heaven to suffer violence due to not seeking His righteousness, not obeying and not keeping covenant with Him (Matt 6:33; Matt 7:21; Matt 11:12)
  • causing the Kingdom of Heaven to suffer violence due to our nation’s lack of seeking His righteousness in its government, rule and dominion (Matt 6:33; Matt 11:12)
  • allowing the violent to seize and carry off the Kingdom of Heaven by not exercising our authority to bind on earth what is bound in Heaven and loosing on earth what is loosed in Heaven (Matt 11:12; Matt 16:19)
    • seeking the righteousness of the Lord, doing His will and keeping covenant with Him in order to not contribute to the violence coming against the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 6:33; Matt 7:21; Matt 11:12)
    • seeking first the righteousness of the Lord in our nation’s government, rule and dominion in order to not cause violence against the Kingdom of Heaven from our nation (Matt 6:33; Matt 11:12)
    • learning how to exercise our authority in Christ in order to withstand the violent attacks against the Kingdom by binding on earth what is bound in Heaven and loosing on earth what is loosed in Heaven (Matt 11:12; Matt 16:19)
  • not using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to bind on earth what is bound in Heaven in our personal lives (Matt 16:19)
  • not using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to loose on earth what is loosed in Heaven in our personal lives (Matt 16:19)
  • binding on earth what is bound in the kingdom of darkness in our personal lives (Matt 16:19)
  • loosing on earth what is loosed in the kingdom of darkness in our personal lives (Matt 16:19)
    • using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to bind on earth what is bound in Heaven in our personal lives (Matt 16:19)
    • using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to loose on earth what is bound in Heaven in our personal lives (Matt 16:19)
  • not using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to bind on earth what is bound in Heaven in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 16:19)
  • not using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to loose on earth what is loosed in Heaven in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 16:19)
  • binding on earth what is bound in the kingdom of darkness in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 16:19)
  • loosing on earth what is loosed in the kingdom of darkness in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 16:19)
    • using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to bind on earth what is bound in Heaven in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 16:19)
    • using the keys and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven to loose on earth what is loosed in Heaven in our nation’s government, rule and dominion (Matt 16:19)
Prayers for Israel

For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you [Jerusalem] shall perish, and those nations shall be utterly ruined. Isaiah 60:12

Please pray for our Nation’s involvement and support for Israel.

Dear Father in Heaven, I bless Israel and the Jews to see Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Please give them the courage and strength to live righteously before You, amen.

Copyright 2016 Rivkah Isaacs

